Vireo's Values
Vireo is an internationally recognized entity, synonymous with credibility and professionality.
Vireo is transparent. . Certification costs are clear and include all the services necessary for a proper management of certificates, because we believe in the satisfaction of our clients.
Vireo handles requests and any issues from clients in a timely way.
Vireo has an in-house team of auditors who ensure an aligned and consistent approach with the standards during annual audits.
Vireo regularly updates companies as standards and policies change.
We are aware that our daily work activity has an impact on the world around us and for this reason Vireo has undertaken some actions aimed at making our services more sustainable.
We have chosen a remote server service that provides us with the Guarantee of Origin (GO) which certifies the renewable origin of the sources used by the IGO qualified plants in compliance with European legislation; all information are available here
Our offices in Padua only use renewable energy sources, thanks to the contract stipulated with the supplier, and do not require energy resources other than electricity.
The service we provide requires that all our auditors travel many kilometers;
where possible we use the train, but the car still remains the most used means of transport. Current technology does not allow us to use electric cars, but we provide our auditors with cars with Euro 6 technology, which is currently available.
We monitor, on an annual basis, our greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) related to scope 1 (direct emissions that are controlled by the company) and scope 2 (indirect emissions from the generation of imported and used electricity), trying to identify the possible areas for improvement.
Social Aspect
Corporate well-being is of fundamental importance to Vireo’s working culture and it has been part of the company from the very beginning.
We base our working philosophy on results and project management, rather than on fixed working hours. This entails flexibility and time management to fit personal and family needs. Trust in people, new challenges and professional growth and development have always been crucial elements of our way of operating.
At Vireo, larger projects and day-to-day activities are always managed working together as a team, which is something we consider to be essential to creating an inspiring work environment.
For us at Vireo, great company results are never the result of an individual’s efforts, but the success of a team.

"PuliAmo il Mare" project
“Every minute, the equivalent of one garbage truck of plastic is dumped into our ocean. Plastic pollution can alter habitats and natural processes, reducing ecosystems’ ability to adapt to climate change, directly affecting millions of people’s livelihoods, food production capabilities and social well-being.”
The “PuliAmo il Mare” project originated as a collaboration between Vireo and Nautica Santa Marina from the island of Salina in Sicily, Italy. It is an initiative aimed at removing plastic from the Aeolian Sea and raising visitors’ awareness of environmental problems and the need to protect marine environments.
Tourists who rent a boat from Nautica Santa Marina to explore the most scenic beaches of the Aeolian Islands are provided with a kit (consisting of a net, bag and information material) to actively contribute to removing plastic waste from the sea. Why don’t you take part too!