The “Criteri Ambientali Minimi “(CAM) are the environmental requirements defined by the Italian Ministry of the Environment for the purchase of products or services by the public administration.
The CAM are defined in the official plan for the environmental sustainability of consumption in the public administration sector and are adopted with a Decree of the Ministry of the Environment.
In Italy, the effectiveness of CAM has been ensured through the provisions contained in the Contracts Code. In fact, Article 57 paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree March 31, 2023, no; 36, provides for the obligation to apply, for the full value of the tender amount, the “technical specifications” and “contract clauses”, contained in the minimum environmental criteria (CAM). The same paragraph stipulates that CAM should also be taken into account when defining the “procurement criteria” referred to in Art; 108, paragraphs 4 and 5, of the Code.
Is there a CAM certification?
The answer is no, there is no CAM certification, but in certain cases certifications are required (e.g., FSC or PEFC, ISO 14001, …) in order to qualify for CAM certification so that the public administration is able to choose the most “virtuous” supplier. For the “Interior Furniture” and “Street Furniture” supply categories, Vireo offers the FSC® and/or PEFC certification service required to attest the origin of wood from responsible sources and the ISO 14001 certification service that awards rewarding points.
For more information, feel free to contact us.